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Australia Indonesia Poetry Exchange 2002

Once again AIAA will be presenting the Australia Indonesia Poetry Exchange, this year as a joint project with Media Reformasi from Sydney and with support from the Australia Indonesia Institute, Canberra, Garuda Indonesia and Komunitas Sastra Indonesia. This year we have three Indonesian poets visiting Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and the Northern Rivers.

Emha Ainun Nadjib

Emha Ainun Nadjib has had many years of involvement in Indonesian literary circles. His body of work includes music, poetry and social service with community organisations and the education arenas of Indonesia. Emha has been very involved with community action and generated many activities designed to create dynamism in the arts, religion, political education and economic synergy, essentially aiming to help develop the potential of the people. Emha Ainun Nadjib has undertaken projects in the arts, social development and educational activities in the Philipines, Malaysia, Japan, Greece, Holland, Germany and the US.

Some of his plays include

His Essays have often been published including Sastra yang membebaskan (1985); Indonesia Bagian Penting dari Desa Saya (1994); Mari Ketawa Cara Reformasi (1998). Please see below for an example of Emha's Poetry.


Emha Ainun Nadjib - Man of the Poeple

Fathyen Hamama Handry

Fathyen has been in the poetry game for years. She studied in Indonesia before leaving for Egypt to continue her studies at the Theology Department at the University of Al-Azhar. She has her poetry published in Padang, West Sumatra and student publications in Cairo. Fathyen has been active both nationally and internationally, organising poetry events. Some of her published works include: "Bakiak Dan Harmonika": Antologi (Jakarta: Pusat Dokumentasi HB Jassin, 1997); Papyrus: Kumpulan Puisi, (Jakarta, 1999); Surat Putih: Perempuan Penyair (Jakarta: Risalah Badai, 2001).

Herman Kamra

Herman started writing poetry in 1971 while still finishing school. He was inspired by famous Indonesian literary idols such as Chairil Anwar, Hamka,Taufik Abdullah and others.He studied in Germany where he became editor of newspapers Gotong Royong and Berita Analisa. In 1991 he moved to Sydney to study management an d marketing and became involved in local Indonesian newspapers and student Associations invo lved with Indonesian issues. In 2000 he formed the Reformasi Newspaper, an independent newspaper covering topics such as social issues, culture and the arts.
Herman is an Executive member of a number of organisations including The Indonesian Community Council (ICC) Inc NSW, Vice President of the Unity Organisation of Multi Purpose and Manual Assistance (KOSGORO), Sydney and Editor of Reformasi Newspaper.

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