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Radio SBS in Brisbane

Radio SBS Indonesian Program pada hari : Selasa tanggal 4 Juni akan menyiarkan langsung " OUTSIDE BROADCAST " acara satu jam dari INALA SHOPPING CENTRE di Brisbane mulai jam 2 siang

Pada acara itu kami ingin mengundang tokoh, ketua, anggauta komunitas Indonesia , mahasiswa, guru dan pendengar Radio SBS bahasa Indonesia untuk ikut hadir pada acara siaran bahasa Indonesia yang disiarkan ke seluruh Australia

Untuk mengisi siaran itu, kami ingin mewawancarai Ketua komunitas Indonesia, guru bahasa Indonesia, seniman, budayawan dll.

Juga pada hari itu manejer Radio SBS dan saya sendiri sebagai penyiar ingin membuka kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Anda sekalian, semacam pertemuan " Community Consultation" pada hari :
Selasa tanggal 4 June sekitar jam 4 s/d 5 sore yang akan diselenggarakan di The Wills Room at the Mercure Hotel, 85 - 87 North Quay, Brisbane.

Pada pertemuan " Community Consultation " kami ingin mendengar masukan atau input agar lebih melibatkan komunitas dalam siaran Radio SBS bahasa Indonesia.

Untuk itu, kami minta tolong untuk diberi tahu apakah Ibu/Bapak dan Anda sekalian berminat untuk ikut berpartisipasi pada pertemuan itu. Atas segala kebaikan Ibu/Bapak dan Anda sekalian kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Bela Kusumah Kasim
Kepala Seksi Bahasa Indonesia
Radio SBS Studio Melbourne
Ph: (W) 03 9685 2564
Fax: 03 9685 2519

Bandung Babbles

Hi, here's the happenings from your lovely Bandung correnspondant Peterrrrrrrr.

The following is some notes of my experience playing bass with international Bandung based group "Sambasunda" - http://surf.to/sambasunda.

Dress rehearsal @ Majestic

Doesn't get much better than this.....a carton of "aqua" and "makan" for all! Sound system is breaking up yet oh the sound is euphoric - bamboo!

Performance @ Majestic

The bass we borrowed has a broken tuning peg....the message goes out and in half an hour we have a new bass yet the jack is broken....in a flash! bass No 3 arrives, (word sure moves quick in Bandung). The performance is a success and over 30 cassettes are sold.

We're all wearing chocolate coloured pullovers with "Sambasunda" written on the back.....hopefully the sound system works! A fantastic performance and everyone is grinning!....the leader of the group Pa Ismet said he played "shut-up guitar" hi hi! (more technical hassles)...."so where's the next venue?" ...Pa Ismet replies, "not another venue but a new group of friends to play for" Sure feels like that playing with the 20 odd players in Sambasunda - a great bunch of friends!

Ayo, and salam from

Peter Tasker: petertasker@yahoo.com
at STSI Bandung

MAF 2002 (Makasar Art Forum)

Makasar is capital city of South Celebes (South Sulawesi-Sulawesi Island), INDONESIA

From 20 - 28 August 2002 we will be holding a art forum, with a post collonial theme.
-Contemporary Theatre
-Contemporary Music
-Contemporary Dance
-Performance Art
-Cultural Dialog
-Cultural Tour

All the program will be held inside and outside the different areas of old colonial fort, natural areas, art center, feudal building :
-Mandala Monument
-Fort Rotterdam
-Societeit de Harmonie
-Birring Kassi beach
-Tamalate Palace
-Kodingaren Island
-Segi Tiga Park
-Bantimurung (natural area)

We are pleased to invite any artists from Asia, Africa and Latin America (we need about 15 artists) to take a part in the event. Because our budget is very limited we will offer you acomodation and simple art material and please prepare your own transport, to look for any support from your own local support system.

Just feel free to contact us for more information about MAF 2002 including your resume :
Tita: tita@indosat.net.id

Then we will contact U back with our detail program and invitation letter. Please contact us as soon as possible for your submission before April 30th 2002

Please forward this information to any art networks or artist especially to Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Iwan Wijono
Participant artist in MAF 2002

Music Contribution

We received this letter from Tunisia, and are posting it to the list in case any gamelan group or artist feels like contributing a recording.

I'm Nizar Chaari,a radio journalist at SfaxRadio Tunisia. I produce a worldmusic radioshow interested in artists and events all over the world. That's why I want to improuve my database with more contacts, artists biography, discography and news. I will be happy if you can send me biographies, news and Cds of your artists list or your events.

N.B: I speak French and English With best regards, Nizar Chaari.

This is my adress: Nizar Chaari 7 rue imam sahnoun pic ville 3000 Sfax Tunisie


Surabaya Artist Group


We are really amazed by your website. Very amazed. As until now there are not many or almost no poeple who cared about building a bridge between Indonesian culture and Australian culture through computer media. Even though there are thousands pf people in each country interested in learning about each other.

Firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Jumaadi, residing in Sydney for around 6 years. I am an artist who also sells objects from Indonesia. As I am an artist, I can only present small exibitions, often with no sales. Actually, I would like to continue to study and increase my skills. I am still waiting for the right time.

Meanwhile, we started an artists group near Surabaya called 'Yayasan Bina Budaya'. This group is a group which acts to support human rights and protect the environment by preserving traditional culture and modern developments in Indonesia.

Our members are still few and our funds are limited because it's still reliant on private donations. So our activities started with art exhibitions by local artists, weekly discussions about local culture which we also intend to publish, also free English classes for those village children who are interested. Young artists need facilities to work and create together.

In the future we will act more widely within the cultural development of Java and Indonesia. We start from art and then progress as far as farming practices and protecting nature and the environment.

Our intention and desire is to invite Indonesian artists and even Australian artists to write, create together and support mass education about human rights and environmental protection, utilising ways that are creative and cultural.

We also offer to your WEB site to exhibit our artists and publish our discussions.

We are really amazed by your website.


Kami sangat kagum dengan web anda. Sangat kagum. Karena selama ini tidak banyak dan hampir tidak ada manusia yang peduli untuk menjembatani antara kebudayaan Indonesia dan kebudayaan Australia melalui media computer. Padahal beribu ribu manusia dari kedua negara saling tertarik untuk mempelajari budaya masing masing.

Sebelumnya perkenalkan nama saya Jumaadi, bermukim di Sydney selama kurang lebih 6 tahun. Saya adalah pelukis yang menyambi dagangan barang barang dari Indonesia. Karena dari melukis saya hanya menghasilkan pameran pameran kebudayaan yang kecil kecil dan tidak sering terjual. Sebenarnya saya masih mau meneruskan ke study ilmu kesenian yang lebih tinggi. Namun sampai sekarang masih menunggu waktu yang tepat.

Sementara itu kami memulai sebuah kelompok yang bernama " Yayasan Bina Budaya ", di dekat Surabaya. Yayasan ini adalah LSM yang bergerak untuk mendukung hak hak asasi manusia dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup melalui pelestarian kebudayaan tradisional dan pengembangan pengaruh modern di Indonesia.

Anggota kami masih sedikit dan dana kami masih sempit karena semua masih merupakan dana pribadi. Namun demikian kegiatan kami mulai dengan pameran pameran kesenian yang dihasilkan oleh seniman lokal, diskusi kebudayaan lokal setiap minggu yang rencananya akan kami publikasikan juga, terus pengajaran bahasa Inggris gratis kepada anak anak kampung dan mereka yang tertarik. Seniman seniman muda menggunakan fasilitas kami untuk belajar bersama dan berkarya bersama.

Diwaktu yang akan datang kami akan bergerak lebih jauh dengan pengembangan kebudayaan Jawa dan Indonesia. Mulai dari kesenian secara umum dan sampai pada sistim pertanian dan perlindungan alam dan lingkungan.

Maksud dan tujuan kami adalah untuk menawarkan kepada rekan rekan baik seniman Indonesia ataupun Australia utuk bergabung, berkarya bersama dan mendukung pendidikan massa mengenahi hak asasi manusia dan pelestarian lingkungan hidup melalui cara cara yang berbudaya dan kreative.

Kami juga menawarkan kepada WEB anda untuk memamerkan karya pelukis kami dan menerbitkan  hasil diskusi kami.

Demikian, sekali lagi. Kami sangat kagum terhadap WEB anda.

Email:: jumaadi@hotmail.com

3rd International Symposium of the Journal Antropologi Indonesia

Rebuilding Indonesia, a Nation of 'Unity in Diversity': Towards a Multicultural Society.

16-19 July 2002, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali.

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to introduce ourselves as the Editor-in-chief of the Journal ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA, published by the Department of Anthropology, University of Indonesia, and as the Head of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Symposium – Bali 2002. We would like to inform you that we are planning to run an international symposium in Bali on the 16th – 19th July 2002, which will be hosted by the Department of Anthropology, Udayana University.

The main theme of our symposium is: Rebuilding Indonesia, a Nation of 'Unity in Diversity': Towards a Multicultural Society.

The third International Symposium of the journal ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA is the last in a series of international symposia-the first such symposium was held by the editors of the journal ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA in Makassar in 2000, followed by the 2nd international symposium in Padang in 2001. The range of issues that were addressed at the first two symposia coincided with the multitude of problems and crises, violence and group conflict besetting the Indonesian archipelago. The question raised in Makassar has been seemingly left unanswered: 'Is unity in diversity still possible?' The spirited answer then given was: 'It must be (made) possible!' But it remains to be seen how this will be conceptualized and implemented within the context of present-day Indonesia, as it moves toward a new sense of Indonesian nationhood.

One strand of thought to come from the 2001 international symposium in Padang concerned the need for a paradigmatic shift in reformulating the social order of a pluralistic nation-state that will place more emphasis on 'diversity' over 'unity' in the move towards a multicultural society. Multiculturalism not only acknowledges and upholds cultural variation that is based on ethnic and other types of diversity, regarding the many different cultures as equal; it also places emphasis upon understanding and promulgating the means by which to live within the context of social and cultural diversity, whether as individuals or as groups, without falling into the trap of narrow group or ethnic primordialism and exclusiveness.

The question that remains, however, is to what extent is there any real appreciation of cultural diversity in Indonesia? Is there indeed a paradigm for nationhood and citizenhood that serves to raise the dignity of the many peoples of Indonesia, so that all may preserve and develop their respective cultures unhindered, with the ability to voice and negotiate their interests in the face of many others? Do social arenas exist that allow these negotiations to take place freely, peacefully and responsibly, respectful of the interests of others?

The rebuilding of Indonesia into a multicultural society in which differences are appreciated and respected can no longer be delayed. An understanding of the social and cultural phenomena of the past decade must be achieved and disseminated. The complexities of social relations among many different groups and communities in various aspects of life must be examined fully. This includes the relations of power among various interests, and how groups and communities struggle to survive when the opportunities open to them become increasingly few. Another point that must be addressed is the paradigm for development that has for so long been in place and still permeates much of government policy. Every effort must be made to search for and develop a paradigm for national development which takes into account the future of an Indonesian society that is both pluralistic and a participant in the dynamic flow of globalization.

The editors of the journal ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA hope that the final year of this series of international symposia will highlight the presentation of research findings from the various cultures and societies of Bali-Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara that are tied to the main theme of the symposium. However, the presentation of research findings and cases of facilitative action and policy implementation from other areas of Indonesia, as well as neighboring countries, will also be welcome.

General Information

Organizing Committee at Udayana University
Bali Panitia Simposium Internasional Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia
Jurusan Antropologi Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana Jl. P. Nias 13, Denpasar - Bali
Phone: +62 (0361) 224121, 257415 Fax: +62 (0361) 224121, 257415
Emai: anomkumbara@hotmail.com Also please visit:http://www.api-network.com

A Night with Indonesian Cultures

Hello Judith,

Apa kabar ? Hope everyone are well and healthy
Hows our friends from Warogus ? I am not sure is Agus or Wahyu , are still with you?

I would like to invite them back on August if possible. I am going to organize A Night with Indonesian Cultures on August 2nd at Southport State High School - Gold Coast. If you know any other artist would like to participate in sharing their talent about Indonesian Cultures such dancing, music, poetry or their painting, please let me know. They may welcome to sell their objects on that night. We are going to celebrate early in conjunction with Indonesian Independence day. I wondering if any artists would like to participate on this special occation on the Gold Coast. Please email me at indonesiagold@hotmail.com
Thank Judith and salam buat semua teman teman di Byron Bay
Love you always, and sampai jumpa


Announcement Regarding Contest To Compose Wedding Ceremony Gendhing

Addressed to Javanese karawitan artists/musicians in friendly nations (among which are the USA, Canada, Holland, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Suriname, and others)

The Art Department of the City of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, will sponsor a contest for composing celebratory gendhing for wedding ceremony to be participated nationally and internationally.

1. Participants send only a single work. Participants may be individuals or groups. His/her/their gamelan teachers or instructors may coach the participants.
2. The work is in the form of a suite employing three distinct movements.
3. Each participant is requested to send three copies of his/her/their suite, which includes the gerongan with appropriate lyrics.
4. The notation may be either handwritten or computer processed.
5. The composition must be postmarked 20 May 2002 at the latest.
6. The suite should be new and never performed, and consisting of :
a. Soran (loud playing) in the style of such currently employed piece as Semar Mantu ("Semar marrying off his child"); in regular ladrang or in gati style.
b. Greetings gendhing in the style of lancaran Bindri and Ladrang Manten. The instrumentation should include bedhug and snare/tenor drum(s).
c. Ceremonial gendhing in the style of such pieces as ladrang Wilujeng, Boyong, Santi mulya, etc. For this part of the suite Irama I, II, and III may be employed. Likewise, this piece should have lyrics, the content of which is appropriate for a wedding celebration. The length should not be more than three ulihan.
7. The suite may be in pelog or slendro tuning system.

The gendhing manuscript/typed script to:
DKD Kota Yogyakarta
c/o Kantor Dinas Pariwisata dan Budaya
Jl Suroto n. 11
Kota Baru Yogyakarta Indonesia
or email:: bancakismoyo@yahoo.com

Advisers to the Committee include:
1. Drs. Haji GBPH Yudaningrat
2. Prof. DR Suminto A Sayuti (Dean of the Faculty of Culture UNY)
3. KPH Notoprojo (formerly KRT Wasitodipuro).

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